raw fish in the coconut milk



It concerns a salad to base of fish (tuna) cut to cube, with raw vegetables marinated in the lemon and in the coconut milk. 
For 4 persons: 
1 Kg of tuna, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 8 green lemons, 3 small onions, 1 clove of garlic, 1 small cucumber, coconut milk. 
Cut the tuna to small cubes, after having rinsed them in salty water leave them to marinate for 1/2 hour in salty water with the minced garlic. Cut the vegetables, drain the fish and leave 'cooking' 5 minutes in the lemon juice, after having eliminated the lemon juice, add the vegetables, the coconut milk, mixing well and serve fresh.


Copyright © 2001 Giuseppe Ruperto. All rights reserved.